WCT Glossary

Conditions to appear on this page

In World Chase Tag (WCT), we celebrate athleticism, creativity, and strategy. An official movement, as recognized by WCT EMEA, is defined by its execution in the highest level of competition and its direct impact on the outcome of the chase. The following criteria ensure that only movements contributing to gameplay are acknowledged, providing a standard for what can be named and cataloged.


1. Competition Context: The movement must be performed during a WCT competition of significant scale, either at a National Championship level or during a Chase Off event. It must occur on the 12m x 12m quad and be broadcast live via WCT channels. Movements executed in training or non-televised events do not qualify.

2. For the Chaser: To be considered an official movement, it must directly result in a tag. The chaser’s movement should lead to catching the evader within the 20-second window, displaying efficiency and skill.

3. For the Evader: The movement must help the evader avoid being tagged for at least 5 seconds after its execution. This ensures the evader’s maneuver is not only flashy but also functional, contributing to their successful evasion during the chase.


Non-Recognized Movements:

Movements purely for show, such as taunts, dance moves, or unnecessary acrobatics when the chaser is far away, will not be considered. While WCT encourages fun and creativity, only moves that play a crucial role in the strategy and outcome of the chase will be recorded here.

The Naming Process:

When a movement is performed for the first time under the conditions outlined above, the athlete responsible will be invited to name the movement. They can choose a name reflecting their personal style or something they feel represents the move. This ensures each new addition is unique and attributed to its originator.

This resource is continuously updated as the sport evolves, and we welcome input from the WCT community. If you believe a significant movement has been overlooked, please reach out to us, and we will review its eligibility.

Table of Contents


Eye of the needle

The Eye of the Needle is a daring tag move performed by Jacob Peregrine-Wheller from Team Ecothreads. In this technique, Jacob dives head-first through the tight, confined space at the center of the tilted cube, threading his body between four bars with minimal clearance. This allows him to squeeze through the narrow gap and secure a tag. Unlike the more expansive gate vault or the committed Luty dive, the Eye of the Needle is about fitting through a small space while maintaining enough control to make the tag, offering a unique and efficient approach in tight chases.



The Ghost is a dynamic evasion technique first showcased in competition by Ky Baldwin from Hollywood Freerunners. This move involves a double speed vault over the Sisters, enabling the evader to quickly ascend the obstacle while maintaining maximum speed.

Key Features

By executing the Ghost, the evader minimizes time spent on the Sisters, effectively increasing their distance from the chaser. This fluid movement not only enhances speed but also creates a strategic advantage, allowing the evader to maintain momentum and evade tags efficiently.


Guac Track

The Guac Track, perfected by Xavia “Guacamole” Rodriguez, is a fast and challenging evasion route. It involves strides over the Sisters, transitioning to the Tilted Cube’s slanted bar, ascending the Mountain, and descending onto the Loading Bay bars. Variations start at the front line and can end on the bench behind the Ridge.

Key Features

The Guac Track requires speed and precision, navigating high strides across multiple obstacles. Evaders must interpret visual cues to decide whether to continue or change course if a chaser attempts an undercut. The reverse route starts from the Ramp and mirrors the same path. Its strategic advantage lies in covering long distances quickly, challenging chasers to keep up while maintaining technical skill and awareness.


Luty Dive

The Luty Dive, introduced by Jarrod Luty of Team Apex Moon during WCT6 USA, is an advanced technique that evolves the traditional Gate Vault. Instead of relying on the slanted bars for support, the chaser uses a small platform to the right and their forearm to propel themselves over the bars at the Tilted Cube.

Key Features

This nuanced approach extends the chaser’s reach, allowing them to cut off the evader’s path toward the mountain. When executed correctly, the chaser lands on their feet, ready to continue the pursuit. However, the Luty Dive is high-risk and often results in scraping forearms, making it suitable only for advanced practitioners. Proper practice and safety precautions are essential for mastering this dynamic movement.


Naïm’s U-Turn

The Naïm’s U-Turn, first performed by Naïm Street of Parkour59 during WCT6 France at TwitchCon, is a daring and strategic evasion move. It involves Naïm striding from the sisters onto the first and second slanted bars of the tilted cube, only to quickly turn around, stride back, and leap onto the sisters once again before continuing his run. This move is particularly effective when the chaser anticipates the evader taking the guac track towards the mountain, leaving the left side of the quad (where the evader originally came from) open. Naïm’s sudden reversal takes advantage of that miscalculation, allowing him to escape in the opposite direction. This maneuver requires excellent speed and agility, making it a high-risk, high-reward tactic.


Olof Bounce Back

The Olof Bounce Back is a clever evasion move, first performed by Olof Wood (Apex Moon) during WCT6 USA against Bear Scheider (Apex Sun). Olof fakes running toward the second sister (near the tilted cube), making it seem like he’s going for strides or a tic-tac. Instead, he quickly changes direction, drops under the first sister, crawls through, and escapes in the opposite direction, hoping the chaser has followed the initial fake path. This sudden reversal allows the evader to create distance and evade the tag.


Reverse Goat

The Reverse Goat is an innovative evasion move first executed in competition by Roland Hannigan from Team Dexterity Depot. It involves a fluid sequence of running from the tilted cube, onto the connector bar that links the two mountains, and climbing up one of the mountains before descending down the ramp. This unexpected maneuver often throws off the chaser, causing them to lose footing or momentum as they struggle to adjust to the sudden change in elevation. The Reverse Goat cleverly capitalizes on the chaser’s split-second hesitation, giving the evader the upper hand by forcing mistakes in the typically tight mountain section.


Sam Stutter

The Sam Stutter is a smart, rhythm-based evasion tactic first introduced by Sam Van Rijn from team UGEN at the ASFALT Chase Off in Belgium, September 2024. This move disrupts the chaser’s timing, giving the evader an advantage by momentarily slowing the chaser’s reaction.

How the Sam Stutter Works

The move is performed near the Sisters when the evader abruptly stops and faces the chaser. This unexpected pause forces the chaser to hesitate, breaking their momentum. The evader then uses this brief window to escape, often toward structures like the Lazy Boy, before the chaser can react.

The Sam Stutter works by playing on the chaser’s expectations of constant movement. By shifting rhythm, the evader gains crucial extra seconds in a tight space, making it a highly effective tool for evasions in close-quarters chases.



The Spider is a chasing technique developed by Ky Baldwin and refined by Kyle Soderman, designed for the Loading Bay. The chaser enters diagonally, navigating tight gaps to corner the evader and set up a decisive tag.

Key Features

The Spider is versatile, allowing the chaser to move around or through the obstacle, using dives or slides for the tag. It’s a low-risk move, ideal for beginners, and provides a foundation for mastering more advanced techniques.



Perfected by Team Phat during WCT5 UK, The Stomp is a dynamic technique that combines speed, impact, and sound. The chaser forcefully lands on the Tilted Cube with a resonant stomp, positioning themselves on the right side at the highest EQ area.

Key Features

This maneuver triggers a Fight or Flight (or Freeze) response in the evader. They must choose to flee, risking an easy tag, or freeze, making them vulnerable to a second tag.

The Stomp is easy to practice and safe, helping athletes develop automatic responses. It can be effectively combined with a Gate Vault or Luty Dive to exploit the evader’s vulnerabilities.



The Terrier, named after the French word for burrow or hole, is a tactical evasion move where the evader crawls from under the sisters to beneath the connector bar between the mountain tables and the tilted cube. From there, the evader has two potential exit routes—towards the ridge or the loading bay. This maneuver was popularized by Benjamin Garcia (Knight of Flight) from Team KIMEO during WCT6 Worlds and the ASFALT Chase Off. The Terrier provides excellent cover, limiting the chaser’s line of sight and making it difficult for them to predict the evader’s next move



The Tiger is a strategic entry maneuver into the Tilted Cube, originating from the Mountain Table. Named by Amos Rendao, this technique involves a swift transition from the mountain to the slanted bar and then into the Tilted Cube itself.

Key Features

The primary goal of the Tiger is to corner the evader, ensuring they cannot escape before the chaser enters the cube. Once the chaser is inside with the evader backed into a corner, they significantly increase their chances of tagging the evader, either through the open side or by executing a Gate Vault or Luty Dive. This makes the Tiger a highly effective tactic for controlling the chase and securing tags.


Tomin Special

The Tomin Special is a memorable maneuver notably executed by Andy Tomin, known as Sketchy Andy, who performed it while diving over the right tray near the ridge to secure a tag without concern for the impact. The move involves landing on the perimeter and finishing in a scorpio position.

Key Features

Athletes have since refined the Scorpio technique to minimize injury risk, ensuring a safer landing after making contact. This evolution allows for a bold approach while maintaining control, making it an impressive addition to the chase strategy repertoire.



The Viper is a signature Chase Tag move known for its speed and control, perfected by Seth Wang from Apex during the WCT4 and WCT5 World Championships. His mastery popularized the term and solidified the Viper as a key move in Chase Tag.

What is the Viper?

The Viper is a sliding maneuver where the athlete threads through or under obstacles, such as the Mountain or Tilted Cube, with precision and speed. It allows the evader to slip through tight spaces and transition quickly across the quad, maintaining momentum. The Viper is effective due to its combination of agility, finesse, and strategic timing, making it a powerful tool for evasion in fast-paced chases.

World Chase Tag® EMEA
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